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Prayers for Daniel

Prayers for Daniel

Daniel Fér is CEF missionary. You have prayed for him during an operation for small salivary gland cancer in 2021. The operation was successful but left some lasting effects. However, in March 2023, metastases were found in the liver and in the sacrum and femur (bones). He is now undergoing new treatment and is grateful for your prayers.

Saturday 10/12/2024

09:59 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Vítek is four years old.

Friday 10/11/2024

19:29 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I started taking the pills again today and by noon the problems were back. Congested sinuses, cough and rash. I will not take any more doses.

“We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters, about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself. Indeed, we felt we had received the sentence of death. But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead. He has delivered us from such a deadly peril, and he will deliver us again. On him we have set our hope that he will continue to deliver us, as you help us by your prayers. Then many will give thanks on our behalf for the gracious favor granted us in answer to the prayers of many.” 2 Corinthians 1:8-11

Wednesday 10/09/2024

08:54 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“Abel believed, and therefore he offered God a better sacrifice than Cain, and he received a testimony that he was righteous when God accepted his gifts; because he believed, 'though he died he still speaks'.” Hebrews 11:4

Abel believed and therefore died.

“Enoch believed and therefore did not see death, but God took him to himself. 'He was not found, because God received him.'” Hebrews 11:5

Enoch believed and therefore did not die.

Wednesday 10/09/2024

08:48 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I am gradually recovering. My stomach still hurts and stuff, but hopefully that will stop.

Věrka is so far satisfied in her new job. It looks like there are good relations in the workplace. Although, of course, various challenges await her.

Sunday 10/06/2024

07:29 (CZ)
message from Daniel
The rash and swelling are slowly getting better.

Thursday 10/03/2024

18:24 (CZ)
message from Daniel
The doctor thinks that the virus has spread so much because of the weakness from the treatment. He advised to stop the meds temporarily and take Dithiaden and Coldrex and see after the weekend.

Wednesday 10/02/2024

17:32 (CZ)
message from Daniel
So I broke out in a rash. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow.

Tuesday 10/01/2024

20:05 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Vítek was right, God heard our prayers for Věra's work. First day on the job was good.

Tuesday 10/01/2024

08:34 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Vítek said to Věra when we drove her to work: “Now a good idea came into my head and it whispered to me that God heard our prayers and that you will do well at work and I won't be afraid at kindergarten when I go there. “
Then he added, “That was your good idea, it belongs in your head, so I gave it to you.”

Saturday 09/28/2024

08:02 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Vítek and Věra are improving and I just caught it.

Friday 09/27/2024

09:31 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Vítek has a cold and a cough. Věra also starts to feel sore throat. We pray that we are well before starting job.

Thursday 09/26/2024

11:36 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love. To them I was like one who lifts a little child to the cheek, and I bent down to feed them.” Hosea 11:4

Tuesday 09/24/2024

14:01 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I have tablets of the biological drug Sorafenib at home. After a month I will go for a blood test and if I will tolerate it well, it will continue. After three months, there will be another scan for evaluation (three months will not be enough for a visible effect, but there could be an obvious ineffectiveness if the tumors grow; possibly the effect of the prayers would be visible).

Some people tolerate this treatment for a long time without side effects. Medicines increase blood pressure and worsen the condition of the heart, but I tend to have low blood pressure and a healthy heart, so I don't expect a problem there. What could be worse are abdominal pain, diarrhea and overall problems with the digestive system, fever, fatigue. So God knows.
Zobrazit více
For neuropathic pain, the doctor prescribed magnesium with better absorption. He does not consider the connection with radiation likely, rather with the change of weather in autumn and the origin in chemotherapy.

Sunday 09/22/2024

09:26 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I'm going to the doctor on Tuesday to get a new prescription.

Saturday 09/21/2024

19:25 (CZ)
message from Daniel
This year's first batch of vitamins for winter.

Wednesday 09/18/2024

20:37 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Věrka is currently working intensively on our project. However, she starts a new job in October. After four years, it will be a big change and a challenge. Please pray for her.

Saturday 09/14/2024

20:04 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Somehow my neuropathy is coming back (the kind of itching, tingling, etc. caused by a nerve disorder; it's a bit like when one day you overdo it with sports and the next day you're all broken up, it just doesn't go away after a few days). But I don't know why. I had it after chemotherapy, but that ended six months ago. I don't know if it is related to the irradiation of the vertebra?

Wednesday 09/11/2024

13:37 (CZ)
message from Daniel
This is also how you leave kindergarten.

Friday 09/06/2024

20:28 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Vítek is mostly happy in kindergarten, and Věrka and I started working on another family project after the children's Bible. By the way, it is still available on sale.

Monday 09/02/2024

19:47 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Today, Vítek managed his first day at kindergarten without crying.

Saturday 08/31/2024

20:28 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“The Lord will rescue me from every evil attack and will bring me safely to his heavenly kingdom. To him be glory for ever and ever. Amen.” 2 Timothy 4:18

Monday 08/26/2024

08:27 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“That is why I am suffering as I am. Yet this is no cause for shame, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day.” 2 Timothy 1:12

“I know whom I have believed.” - Therefore, our faith is not about us, but about God. Not how strong we can believe, but how strong is God in whom we believe.

Saturday 08/24/2024

21:14 (CZ)
message from Daniel
There will be a prayer meeting for healing on next Saturday at our home. (Czech version contains invitation and info for people living near us.)

Wednesday 08/21/2024

11:10 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Doctors decided that they would put me on a biological treatment, other than Lenvatinib, which is not approved by the insurance company. I don't remember its name, but it is cheaper and therefore the hospital takes the risk of applying it, and if the insurance company refuses to pay it, the hospital will pay it.

The treatment will be in the form of pills and will start after September 24. (I arranged the postponement so that I would have some time when Vítek starts going to kindergarten and Věrka will not have a job yet. Věrka starts working in October.)

Tuesday 08/20/2024

20:55 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe.” 1 Timothy 4:10

Monday 08/19/2024

13:08 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I called for the test results. I have some good news and some quite bad news.

Good news

liver tumors continue to shrink

the radiation on the thoracic vertebra worked (surprisingly) and the reduction is already visible

other tumors do not grow in the bones below (due to this and their unavailability, it is not yet a priority to solve them)

the unclear result in the area of ​​the cecum disappeared (last time they correctly concluded that it was not a new metastasis)

Zobrazit více

Bad news

A year and a half ago, they found “non-specific lung nodules” that were not confirmed as tumors (did not accumulate contrast material) on PET/CT. According to the current scan, they are accumulating it.

They will discuss the result on Wednesday at the radiologic visit. It's hard to tell if the nodules have turned into tumors, or if they've grown beyond the limit that the examination can distinguish; or there was no change, only it managed to capture them more accurately. There are more nodules and they are very small (at the limit of PET/CT resolution).

Now this means that they are again considering complex treatment (instead of local radiation), either appealing to the insurance company or another biological treatment.

Saturday 08/17/2024

11:39 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I'm already after PET/CT. I should call on Monday to see if the results are in yet.

Wednesday 08/14/2024

08:30 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“God made a lasting agreement with me, good in every way and strong. This agreement is my salvation. This agreement is all I want. Truly, the Lord will make it grow.”
2 Samuel 23:5 (ICB)

Monday 08/12/2024

09:35 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“As for God, his way is perfect: The Lord’s word is flawless: he shields all who take refuge in him.”
2 Samuel 22:31

Wednesday 07/31/2024

11:07 (CZ)
message from Daniel
The PET/CT scan will be on Saturday August 17th.

Tuesday 07/30/2024

07:43 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Our vacation was prematurely ended by a health problem that I don't even want to describe. But now it's good again. I will be scheduled for an examination on Wednesday.

Thursday 07/25/2024

20:43 (CZ)
message from Daniel
This week we took a vacation to recover.

Monday 07/22/2024

18:13 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“What more can David say to you? For you know your servant, Sovereign Lord.”
2 Samuel 7:20

Tuesday 07/16/2024

16:17 (CZ)
message from Daniel

Zdiška died today

A message from Kristýna, Zdiška's mom:

“Zdiška left today, she didn't wake up in the morning.”

Guide Jana helped Zdiška and her family write a book with their testimony. She calls it a book about God's great miracle. Zdiška's last text is from last week. I quote:

... I'm not even afraid anymore. That even if I were to go to God and to Adam, I know that my mother would not be alone, God would be with her. Just like he is with us now. That even so, we would both still be fine with the Lord God. He would not leave us sad. When we are not even sad about Adam now. But maybe God will help me, that I will be healthy, or not but maybe I will stay here with my mother. I do not know. But God will surely figure it out somehow so that it will be good for me.

I am very happy that people are also praying for us, because God is really with us. I seriously already feel at home like in heaven. It's nice how everyone is so nice to us. I really enjoy writing with Jana on the courses, even though I have already finished them all. It helps me a lot. She is very kind. She also helps mom. Everyone is very nice. Mom too. I like my mom the most. It's all beautiful. God did it all very well.

Zobrazit více
Just yesterday Zdiška wrote the last letter on the courses. She was already on morphine tablets.

“Hello Jana. How are you? Mom and I are resting together now. Mom is not well either. So we are together. There is also grandma (who believed after long prayers of the whole family) and uncle (who believed after Adam's testimony). It's so nice. I'm also very happy with God. It's nice I'm so glad that we're all together. He's so kind to us. That's so nice. I love you so much.”

Guide Jana writes:

“Yes, she didn't complain about anything, she had headaches, and sore lungs, when she was better, she and her grandmother and uncle listened to the sermon I sent them, they prayed, well, just a Christian idyll.”
“With Kristýna (Zdiška's mother) we pray every day, a while ago we gave thanks for her (Zdiška's) life ... it's amazing how God works on the people in the courses, how many have accepted the Lord Jesus.”

When Adam died (Zdiška's brother, if you don't know about him, read his story) many people remembered his testimony and believed in Jesus. May Zdiška's life and her testimony speak similarly.

Tuesday 07/16/2024

15:48 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I had my last iradiation today. At the end of July, the doctor will order me for an examination based on which he will decide whether it makes sense to continue or not.

Saturday 07/13/2024

14:44 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Now I have a break for the weekend and then I have Monday, Tuesday and the end of iradiation.

Tuesday 07/09/2024

09:03 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I tolerate radiation as expected. I'm very sleepy, but I'm not in pain.

Saturday 07/06/2024

15:51 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Zdiška writes: “I am much better today. I am very happy with God and my mother. It is wonderful that God helps us so much. Thank you very much for your prayers. It helps me a lot that God is with me. It's very nice that you are praying you all are very kind. God is also very kind that he is with us and he is helping us. That he won't let us alone. I still feel that he is with me and loves me. It is wonderful that we can be with my mother. It's like in heaven. For it's all so beautiful. I am very thankful. Have a good time. Zdiška”

Friday 07/05/2024

11:47 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Zdiška's mom writes: “Hello. How are you? We are quite well. We are very grateful for all the prayers. God is helping us. We feel it a lot. Zdiška is still the same now. There are no changes so far. So we will see how it goes Zdiska is happy to be at home. Have a good time. Well, it remains the same with us. They suggested us immunotherapy. So we'll see how it goes.”

Tuesday 07/02/2024

13:21 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I've had my first iradiation. I have nine more waiting for me, every following weekday.

Saturday 06/29/2024

09:46 (CZ)
message from Daniel
The iradiation will start on Tuesday.

Monday 06/24/2024

10:06 (CZ)
message from Daniel
We are happy about the newlyweds. We managed Saturday with them (although it was a lot of talking). On the same Saturday, we also remembered the three-year anniversary of the primary tumor surgery. (This also means that many of you have been praying for us for more than three years.)

Friday 06/21/2024

19:14 (CZ)
message from Daniel
My brother is getting married tomorrow. That's why I'm glad that it was possible to plan the radiation until July.

Sunday 06/16/2024

19:53 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Zdiška has tumors of the same size on her liver and slightly larger ones on her lungs. It has not yet been decided what to do next.

Thursday 06/13/2024

11:45 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I was at the doctor. Irradiation of a tumor in the thoracic vertebra is considered to prevent it from growing. They don't expect it to be destroyed, but any growth would be a problem. The tumor is in the back and the spinal cord should be avoided.

Irradiation would take place for two weeks in July, after which the result would be scanned and, in the event of a tumor response, other metastases would be similarly irradiated in the fall.

They rejected the CyberKnife radiation because the exact location of the tumors is not clear enough in the bones, and if they irradiated it with a strong dose outside the tumor, it would cause damage in the body.

Wednesday 06/12/2024

20:30 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Zdiška's mom writes: “Hello. So far we know that some of the metastases are enlarged and some are the same size. We are going to the hospital on Friday for another examination.”

Tuesday 06/11/2024

12:58 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“Do not be afraid,” Samuel replied. “You have done all this evil; yet do not turn away from the Lord, but serve the Lord with all your heart.”
1 Samuel 12:20

Sunday 06/09/2024

20:52 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Zdiška will go for a decisive examination on Wednesday.

Sunday 06/09/2024

12:41 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I'm going to the doctor on Thursday. We'll discuss the radiation and I'll get the requisitions. If I agree, the radiation would start in July.

Friday 06/07/2024

11:16 (CZ)
message from Daniel
We are grateful for meeting with (former) colleagues from the Child Evangelism Felowship.

Friday 05/31/2024

13:47 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Only primary tumors are irradiated in the Proton Center, not metastases. So there is only conventional irradiation in Liberec or nothing.

Thursday 05/30/2024

20:42 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Vítek is already recovering from chicken pox and I didn't catch it. Thank God.

Wednesday 05/29/2024

16:49 (CZ)
message from Daniel
So, according to the ÚVN (hospital), CyberKnife radiation is unsuitable for the tumors I have. So in Liberec, they planned classic radiation for July. I also sent a question to the Proton Center in Prague, whether it would be better to have irradiation with them.

Sunday 05/26/2024

18:14 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Ruth 4:13-15

So Boaz took Ruth and she became his wife. When he made love to her, the Lord enabled her to conceive, and she gave birth to a son. The women said to Naomi: “Praise be to the Lord, who this day has not left you without a guardian-redeemer. May he become famous throughout Israel! He will renew your life and sustain you in your old age.”

And the Lord has blessed us with the birth of a son as well. Son of God. And so we are no longer without a guardian-redeemer. He will renew our life and will take care of us in old age and beyond.
Zobrazit více
P.S.: I haven't caught chicken pox yet.

Friday 05/24/2024

21:29 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Vítek has chicken pox. It is good for him that he got it at a young age, when symptoms are easier.

It could be a risk for me. The chemo kills the white blood cells and if it killed all the blood cells that remember the pox, I could get it again. But it doesn't have to be like that and I believe in God's protection.

Wednesday 05/22/2024

09:30 (CZ)
message from Daniel

Report from experts

I have a final report from experts. It sounds quite positive to me. Thank you for your prayers and please continue.

They consider the treatment of the liver finished (they will monitor it and if some of the deposits start to revive, the operation will be repeated, but now it is not necessary). Thank God.

They see a total of four other bearings. They see the one in the thoracic spine there. Likewise in the sacrum and in the hip. They also see another small dot, which they do not consider new, only visible with a better instrument. This could have been better.

Zobrazit víceSo they want to send me to Prague for CyberKnife radiation. It is precise local irradiation. It would be a week of daily radiation. A week for the bearing in the thoracic spine, a week for the lower bearings. Compared to earlier radiation, at least it is not on the head and it would only be two weeks of daily commuting to Prague. I hope I can bear it. Main think is so that it helps and it doesn't last the whole summer.

Monday 05/20/2024

10:39 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Zdiška completed the radiation. In three weeks, she will have an examination to assess the results.

Thursday 05/16/2024

13:10 (CZ)
message from Daniel

Preliminary PET/CT results

News from the oncologist, not description from the radiologists yet. I will hear the final report of the council on Wednesday.

No new metastases appeared.

One of the metastases in the Liver is significantly smaller and dead.

The second one is the same size, but according to the oncologist, it is dead tissue (expert opinion is awaited).

The tumor in the spine is indistinct, it is possible that it was not a tumor.

Two tumors in the bones and one small dot is the same size (awaiting evaluation by experts).

Zobrazit víceExperts will evaluate whether they consider the existing deposits to be tumors. Places are not available for biopsy required for laboratory analysis. If they agreed that it was a tumor, it could be irradiated either conventionally in Liberec or CyberKnife in Prague.

“But you, beloved, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit.” Jude 1:20

Tuesday 05/14/2024

14:25 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Before I have time to add more wooden goods, you can take a look at the pictures of birds that my niece sells on Fler.

Sunday 05/12/2024

12:36 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Sometimes you can bear fruit in unexpected places and under unlikely circumstances.

Wednesday 05/08/2024

18:04 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I am thankful for the church trip and that I managed to be there.

Saturday 05/04/2024

19:08 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I knew one day I won't be fast enough for my son up the hill. I just didn't expect it to be at three years old.

Tuesday 04/30/2024

12:40 (CZ)
message from Daniel
E-mail from Zdiška: “Hello. How are you? I look forward to another course sometime. Thank you very much for praying for me. Tell the other people that I am thankful very much. For all the prayers. Lord God is with us. I know it. I can feel it. Mom is also better, not so sad any more. Have a nice day. And thank you all very much. Zdiška”

Sunday 04/28/2024

18:21 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I will have a follow-up PET CT scan on May 16th, so there is still time. Thank you for your prayers.

Thursday 04/25/2024

09:31 (CZ)
message from Daniel
A year ago I entered the hospital to start chemotherapy.

Wednesday 04/24/2024

13:17 (CZ)
message from Daniel
We are happy that our children's Bible is being sold. And because it's good to do something, I started making small wooden crafts. The advantage is that it is not hard work and I can work little by little.

I gave something as gifts and now I'm trying to sell some on Fler. You can also take a look.

Tuesday 04/23/2024

07:23 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Zdiška goes for radiation. She is very tired (which is typical for radiation). Otherwise, she tolerates it well. It is more difficult to cope with a worsened diagnosis.

Thursday 04/18/2024

12:55 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Here comes the first feedback on our Bible:
Thanks for the Bible 😍. David likes it very much.
From today's reading: Some people have a white heart, they believe in the Lord Jesus. Some have a black heart, they don't believe in the Lord Jesus.
And what kind of heart do you have, David?
“Red” 😀

Wednesday 04/17/2024

09:26 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Since Monday, Ziška has been going for radiation every day.

Tuesday 04/16/2024

11:32 (CZ)
message from Daniel

On sale

The book Good News from the Bible is already on sale for 190 CZK. The proceeds from the sale will be used to reprint more Bibles.

The book can be ordered in the Dětská misie shop. Soon it will be available in other Christian bookstores online and in brick-and-mortar stores.

Note: Zbysek will discuss the possibility of translation to other languages with Bogdan Bassara on the European CEF conference.

Monday 04/15/2024

08:00 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Vítek prayed: “... thank you that I love everyone, dad, mom ... and myself.”

Today we are going to visit a kindergarten. We are looking for which kindergarten Vítek should go to and which job Věra should do.

Saturday 04/06/2024

20:22 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“They stirred up persecution ... and expelled them from their region. ... And the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit.” Acts 13:50 and 52

Friday 04/05/2024

11:33 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Zdiška is sick now. In two weeks a radiation treatment of her head will start.

Wednesday 04/03/2024

16:32 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Our children's Bibles are already printed and ready for distribution. For that, great praise goes to God, all the supporters and the Child Evangelism Fellowship.

Donors who contributed to their publication will receive one free copy. In the coming weeks, the Bible will be available in Christian bookstores in the Czechia. I'll let you know here when it's available.

I pray that the Bible will help children to know the God who changes lives and for parents to fulfill their role in passing on the testimony of God to the next generation.
Zobrazit více

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.” Deuteronomy 6:5-9

Saturday 03/30/2024

18:41 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Thank you to everyone who helps us carry our cross.

Wednesday 03/27/2024

19:52 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Zdiška is at home for now and awaiting treatment decision. She writes: “I'm a little better today. I'm so happy with mom, it's like in heaven. Mom is very kind. God is with us.”

Monday 03/25/2024

15:42 (CZ)
message from Daniel

Zdiška has metastases on her brain

Her mom writes: “Hi. It's worse now. Zdiška has stopped to be able to move her hand over the weekend, so she's been in the hospital since yesterday. Today they found out that she has metastases on her brain.”

Sunday 03/24/2024

20:43 (CZ)
message from Daniel
To this day, many are disappointed that Jesus did not come to reign on earth, but in human hearts. But we welcome Jesus as King in our hearts on Palm Sunday.

“Jesus said: My kingdom is not of this world...” John 18:36

Friday 03/22/2024

14:38 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Not much going on right now. But I'm looking forward to Easter.

Friday 03/15/2024

18:43 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Zdiška is home.

Thursday 03/14/2024

20:46 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Zdiška is sick and wishes to go home from the hospital. Maybe they'll let her go tomorrow.

Thursday 03/14/2024

13:53 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I will have a follow-up PET CT scan on May 16. I kind of expected that, and I'm glad that it means I'll have peace until at least May.

Tuesday 03/12/2024

21:15 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Zdiška's mother writes: “Zdiška is going to the hospital again tomorrow. But it is so difficult now. She doesn't want to go there. She keeps persuading me that she doesn't have to go there anymore. Otherwise, we are quite well. Kristýna”

Saturday 03/09/2024

13:16 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I have already walked 1.5 km. That was just right.

Thursday 03/07/2024

16:51 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Dneska byla Zdiška na odběrech. Příští středu jde zase do nemocnice. Zatím je jí dobře. Tak byli i venku.

Tuesday 03/05/2024

13:08 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Today I feel better again. Recovery continues. It's not like it was before the weekend. The tooth hurts only when biting, and the dentist will order me when something loosens up.

Sunday 03/03/2024

08:23 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Gradually I feel better. We will go to the Sunday Service. But I have to go to the dentist on Monday.

Friday 03/01/2024

15:37 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I have stopped taking Fortecortin and now I feel sleepy, sore and my tooth is starting to hurt. I hope this is a short term condition and it will get better again.

Sunday 02/25/2024

21:27 (CZ)
message from Daniel

When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go ...”
Matthew 28:17-19

God's answer to doubt? All authority is given to ME ... Therefore go ...

Saturday 02/24/2024

17:03 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I lived to see another year. Suddenly it's not taken for granted.

Wednesday 02/21/2024

08:39 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I send a photo of Zdiška so you know who we are praying for.

Tuesday 02/20/2024

09:11 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Modlili jsme se, aby to bylo lepší, než minule a bylo. Díky Bohu. Příště se budu modlit, aby to nebolelo. Bolest byla stejně intenzivní, ale trvala kratší dobu. Teď je mi tak, jak mi bylo posledně až v pátek. Tak mám tři dny života navíc (to v bolesti nepočítám, za dny života). Děkuji za modlitby a podporu. Možná už půjdu dneska ven.

Ždiška je po chemoterapii slabá a zvrací, ale už také byla venku.

Sunday 02/18/2024

11:45 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Thank you for the Sunday service. We watched online. I'm starting to feel like a human. I start eating and moving around the apartment. Not outside yet.

Saturday 02/17/2024

18:25 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Being sick is just waiting. At night I wait for morning. During the day I wait for night. I am waiting for the next dose of medicine. I am waiting for improvement. I'm waiting for the examination. I am waiting for the results. I am waiting for the prayers to be answered.

Saturday 02/17/2024

08:04 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I'm home. It's hard but better than last time.

Friday 02/16/2024

09:25 (CZ)
message from Daniel
It's better now than last time. Pain medication works better.

Thursday 02/15/2024

13:50 (CZ)
message from Daniel

Wednesday 02/14/2024

10:49 (CZ)
message from Daniel
John's Gospel Chapter 1
Our Bible is already going to press. I'll let you know when it's available.

Wednesday 02/14/2024

09:26 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I'm already in the hospital. I have the procedure tomorrow.

“They spit on him, and took the staff and struck him on the head again and again.” Matthew 27:30

Nothing pleasant awaits me, but after all, it cannot be compared with the suffering of Jesus, or the persecuted and tortured.

Monday 02/12/2024

11:01 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Ve středu mám nástup do nemocnice a ve čtvrtek druhou operaci. Je to opět stejná chemoembolizace jako předtím, měla by ještě více odříznout nádory v játrech od výživy. Kéž bych ji snášel výrazně lépe, než posledně.

Thursday 02/08/2024

19:16 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Zdiška is awaiting chemotherapy on Wednesday and her mother is feeling better again.

Wednesday 02/07/2024

20:16 (CZ)
message from Daniel
We are celebrating our fifth wedding anniversary.

Monday 02/05/2024

19:33 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Zdiška's mother Kristýna is sick again.

Thursday 02/01/2024

21:09 (CZ)
message from Daniel
The second operation will be on February 15 and the day before will be admission to the hospital. It will be a repetition of the same procedure as last time.

Thursday 02/01/2024

08:29 (CZ)
message from Daniel
It has already taken a turn for the better. I slept without a cough today.

Tuesday 01/30/2024

12:46 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Vítek is fine, Věrka is getting better, I'm getting worse and worse.

Zdiška is better, her mom too, she will probably end her sick leave.

Friday 01/26/2024

09:37 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Well, Vítek is better now, but the two of us caught it.

Thursday 01/25/2024

09:28 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come.” Matthew 24:6

Wednesday 01/24/2024

16:20 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Zdiška's mother writes: “Hello, Zdiška is doing better now, she is just tired. I got another antibiotic. It's still not good. So I'm still at home. But at least I go out with Zdiška for a while. Kristýna”

Tuesday 01/23/2024

09:23 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Vítek got a cold and a cough, so it was more difficult now.

Thursday 01/18/2024

14:29 (CZ)
message from Daniel
So the doctor called and the specialist commented that “it would be worth doing one more” operation. Sometime in February.

Thursday 01/18/2024

12:33 (CZ)
message from Daniel
At least the surgery wasn't unnecessary. One tumor is a few millimeters smaller, the other the same. They are definitely not growing and seem less nourished, maybe falling apart. Specialists will decide on a possible repeat of the operation, and I will know that within the week after the next week.

Wednesday 01/17/2024

22:18 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Zdiška was already better and they were outside.
I'm going to the CT tomorrow and then straight to the doctor. I will write when I know something.

Monday 01/15/2024

13:29 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Zdiška's mother writes: “Zdiška is still very sick today. I'm still at home with her because I'm still sick. We're not even going out today. She probably wouldn't make it. Kristýna”

Sunday 01/14/2024

13:08 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I have a CT scan on Thursday. I'll know right away if the tumor has shrunk. I will find out later if the operation needs to be repeated.

They haven't sent an appeal to the insurance company yet. They have now tried this embolization, saying that if it doesn't help, they will use it as an argument for appeal. If it helps, the treatment will be stopped for the time being, and when more metastases grow, they will either be dealt locally again, or an appeal will be tried with the argument that it is necessary to prevent further metastases from appearing.

Friday 01/12/2024

17:22 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Zdiška is better now.

Thursday 01/11/2024

17:56 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Zdiška is still vomiting and tired.

Wednesday 01/10/2024

18:32 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Zdiška is tired and vomiting after chemotherapy. Her mom is not well yet and is feeling sick.

Tuesday 01/09/2024

18:12 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I have been better for the last two days. The stomach stops hurting even when moving, if it's not too long. Vítek and I managed to cut several smaller branches for crafting.

Saturday 01/06/2024

17:35 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or are you envious because I am generous?” Matthew 20:15

Zdiška will have another dose of chemotherapy on Tuesday. Her mom is sick.

For me it's still not the same as it was before the operation in December. My stomach hurts (in the tumor area), especially when I move for a longer time.

Tuesday 01/02/2024

09:45 (CZ)
message from Daniel
In our church, it is customary to draw New Year's verses. For this year, Vítek chose for me:

“But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit.” Jude 1:20

Zdiška is better now. She managed a short walk.

Saturday 12/30/2023

19:14 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Ziška has a stomach ache.

Thursday 12/28/2023

09:04 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I've been better since about Christmas Day. It still hurts, but it no longer affects the whole person. Today, dad is taking us to visit the family in Husinec.

Monday 12/25/2023

21:09 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Zdiška's mother wrote to me: “We wish you a nice Christmas time. Zdiška is still tired, but she can take a short walk. She is no longer vomiting. We are very happy with God. We feel his help. Have a great time. Kristýna.”

Saturday 12/23/2023

18:28 (CZ)
message from Daniel

We wish you a bright Christmas

“There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light.” Matthew 17:2

Vítek remembers lit candles and lights the most from Christmas, so he looks forward to a bright Christmas. We talk about celebrating the birth of the Lord Jesus, who is shining because he is from heaven. That's why we have lights everywhere. We wish you a bright Christmas full of light. Especially the bright one from the heaven.

Friday 12/22/2023

09:48 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Thank you for the donations for the publication of the children's Bible. Enough has already been collected to print 500 pieces. Publication and distribution to Christian bookstores are arranged. Preparation for printing will begin after Christmas.

Wednesday 12/20/2023

11:58 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I had a checkup and the blood tests are fine. This means that there was no inflammation or something threatening. The results of the operation will be seen only on January 18 on CT.

My stomach hurts when I move more, but not when I rest.

Monday 12/18/2023

11:58 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I wanted to write a report that the doctor prognosticated it better than it was again, that the answered prayers were also not very visible, and so on. But I didn't have the strength to do it, and now I have no reason to. But I will write another story, it will illustrate the situation well.

I have never had nightmares, but on Paclitaxel (second line chemotherapy) I had strange dreams. For example, about some kind of celebration of galactic proportions, where I overeaten and rolled in a multi-meter bowl of salted peanuts. I used to have anxiety dreams after chemotherapy was over. For example, how I go to English class and I don't have homework for the third time. But lately I've been having quite pleasant dreams.
Zobrazit více
One of them was about the apocalypse caused by microwave radiation and organizing a group of survivors. I woke up feeling like it was a pretty pleasant dream. Then when I thought about it, it occurred to me that the apocalypse is really easier than cancer in a way. After the apocalypse, a person is either dead and no worry, or alive and can do something to keep it that way. After cancer, a person is still alive, but there is nothing he can do to keep it that way.

Saturday 12/16/2023

21:30 (CZ)
message from Daniel

Matthew 15
32 “I have compassion for these people ...”
37 “They all ate and were satisfied. Afterward the disciples picked up seven basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over.”

Friday 12/15/2023

17:34 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Today it's a little better. I take medication to reduce the swelling that makes me drowsy, but I was able to stop the new pain meds. The pain is now mild.

Thursday 12/14/2023

08:26 (CZ)
message from Daniel
New pain medications work better. I have more freedom of movement that I can do without significant pain.

Wednesday 12/13/2023

14:23 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I called the hospital and they tried to prescribe me some other pain medication. And they added a drug to make the swelling in the liver caused by the dying tumors go down faster, which is what causes those stabbing pains in the stomach. (Not the one I had the attack of last evening. That's what I believe to be very painful bloating caused by the side effects of the medication.)

Tuesday 12/12/2023

19:35 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Severe pain again, like in the hospital.
Update: They have now retreated. I gradually took all the pain meds I have and can combine in the highest dose and the pain subsided. I pray it lasts and never comes back. Experiencing it once is too much. Twice was more than enough.

Monday 12/11/2023

17:34 (CZ)
message from Daniel
My stomach hurts at the tumor places (this can happen and is normal).

Sunday 12/10/2023

20:44 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I am starting to be able to eat. But otherwise, I'm not in the state to write anything.

Saturday 12/09/2023

12:36 (CZ)
message from Daniel
They are letting me go home. I have pain meds and my digestion is starting to work.

Friday 12/08/2023

15:15 (CZ)
message from Věrka
Thank you to all of you who are praying for us! They did the embolization in Dan's liver yesterday afternoon. It looks like the procedure went well. After the procedure, Dan had very severe abdominal and back pain. He was given pain medication at the hospital, but he felt some relief only in the evening. He didn't have a more significant pain relief until around 3 in the morning.
Now Dan is still in the hospital, still receiving pain meds and IVs for dehydration (he threw up a few times). It looks like he could hopefully be released home tomorrow if everything stabilizes.
Zobrazit více We are grateful to the Lord God that he hears and answers our prayers and yours. We are also grateful for the support you show us.

Thursday 12/07/2023

15:43 (CZ)
message from Daniel

Thursday 12/07/2023

11:25 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Zdiška is home after the first dose of chemotherapy. She tolerates it quite well.

Wednesday 12/06/2023

10:19 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.” Matthew 13:45-46

So I think that if we don't lose the kingdom of heaven, we haven't lost anything that is not worth selling, even if it is valuable.

I'm already in the hospital. The surgery is tomorrow noon.

Monday 12/04/2023

18:11 (CZ)
message from Daniel
According to the doctor, the operation should be painless and without consequences, nor should I feel sick. And today I'm fine. Thank you for your prayers.

Sunday 12/03/2023

08:30 (CZ)
message from Daniel
We are looking forward to the coming of Jesus and we wish you an Advent full of joyful looking forward.

(I still have a bit of a cold, but it's not getting worse.)

Thursday 11/30/2023

18:28 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Zdiška will start chemotherapy on Tuesday.

I have a sore throat, hopefuly I won't have a cold.

Wednesday 11/29/2023

15:05 (CZ)
message from Daniel
On December 7, there will be an operation - embolization of both liver tumors. I will be in the hospital from Wednesday to Friday.

Wednesday 11/29/2023

12:48 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Things look a little different in Dubnice near our property. We were there for twigs for the advent wreath.

Monday 11/27/2023

21:52 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I don't have a surgery date yet.

Winter is a more challenging time in that I'm more tired and it's harder to be outside.

It is going well with the publication of the Bible. We are still talking with donors who would pay for its publication in the CEF, with the money from the sale then remaining for the CEF to evangelize children.

Thursday 11/23/2023

15:18 (CZ)
message from Daniel
The doctor called, this time with good news. There are no new tumors on the scan. Both existing ones are fed by a single artery and are in a state suitable for embolization. The operation can therefore be performed for both tumors at the same time. There is no date yet.

Wednesday 11/22/2023

09:12 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.” Matthew 10:42

Thank you for all the prayers and support. I had a CT scan today, and based on the results, the doctors will set the date for surgery (tumor embolization).

Our children's Bible is also progressing well. It looks like with your support and further cooperation, the CEF could publish a hardcover Bible.
Zobrazit více
We are also financially secure and do not have to calculate whether we can pay for the necessary things.

I'm sure you won't lose your reward.

Monday 11/20/2023

10:59 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” Matthew 10:28

The doctor wants to write an appeal because he is convinced that if the first and second line chemotherapy did not help, there is no point in trying it in the third line and therefore I meet the condition that it is the only possible treatment.

In the meantime, he suggests dealing with the largest tumors in the liver with embolization. They want to block the arteries that feed the tumors so they die. This does not solve the problem of further metastases, but it solves the current problem. Even smaller tumors in the bones could be treated in some local way, and if a miracle happened that no further metastases would occur (yet), this could temporarily solve the situation.
Zobrazit více
They will take blood samples tomorrow and a CT scan of the blood vessels in the liver on Wednesday so they can plan where to go from the groin to the tumors to block their blood vessels.

Saturday 11/18/2023

17:41 (CZ)
message from Daniel

Prayers for Zdiška

You've probably already heard about Adam. A twelve-year-old boy who believed through Bible courses and subsequently died in a car accident. Thanks to his testimony, over 6 people have already believed. The first of them was his teenage sister Zdiška, and several of her classmates believed through her testimony. After Adam's funeral, his mother Kristýna also believed and wrote about it testimony (in Czech language).
Zobrazit více
Now they found tumors on Zdiška's lungs with metastases in the liver. The results from the laboratory are awaited, according to which the doctors will decide on the treatment. Of course the whole family has been hit hard and they are asking for prayers. Nevertheless, Zdiška now writes to the guide on the courses: “Yes, I am quite well. God is helping me. I am always very happy when my mother is here with me. Maybe my uncle will come tomorrow. I know that God is with me. He is helping me a lot. It helps me to know that Adam is also doing well. I'm very glad. Zdiška.”

Friday 11/17/2023

15:48 (CZ)
message from Daniel

Songs for preschoolers

Recently, Věrka and I recorded our songs composed for Vítek. We have changed texts of folk songs for preschoolers.

They are now available as:

videos with Czech text on YouTube

download mp3

“Já ti věřím” song text translation
Zobrazit více|: I do trust you, firmly trust you, oh the Lord Jesus. :|
I wish come to your kingdom, will be jumping by the joy.

I do trust you, firmly trust you, oh the Lord Jesus.
When you take me to heaven, will be jumping more even.
I do trust you, firmly trust you, oh the Lord Jesus.

Thursday 11/16/2023

17:15 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I received a letter from the insurance company with a decision that they will not pay for the treatment.

The claim was based on the fact that the insurance company should pay for unapproved treatment if there is no other alternative. According to the insurance company, one study on 30 people is no reason to consider it a suitable treatment. And above all, according to them, there is an alternative, because other combinations of chemotherapy can be tried. However, the doctor said about this: “Mainly hope for them to approve it, because otherwise we should try chemotherapy, which will not help.” I couldn't get the doctor on the phone today, nurses said they will give him a message (although he should have get the decision earlier, but he didn't call). I'm supposed to call on Monday. I'll see if they see option for appeal.

Thursday 11/16/2023

09:13 (CZ)
message from Daniel
In short: I seek somebody who would help me to publish our Children Bible as hardcover book in CZ.

Saturday 11/11/2023

11:13 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“And they went and woke him, saying, “Save us, Lord; we are perishing.” (...) And the men marveled, saying, “What sort of man is this, that even winds and sea obey him?”” Mathew 8:25 and 27

So we wondered what the disciples expected when they woke Jesus up? They certainly didn't wait for the storm to calm down, because then they marveled over it. Maybe they didn't expect anything and simply called for help in a panic. Perhaps they expected Jesus to lead them through the storm. We don't know. Anyway, they were scolded for their lack of faith and then the storm were calmed down.

Wednesday 11/08/2023

09:08 (CZ)
message from Daniel
There are things I never even thought to pray for before. Now I regularly pray for a good mood. For Vítek, for Věrka and for myself.

Saturday 11/04/2023

15:40 (CZ)
message from Daniel
So we packed up a tent on the property in Dubnica and only insects will live there in the insect hotel that Vítek and I made.

We experienced nice things there and it helped us a lot to relax during the treatment.

Thursday 11/02/2023

13:52 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I received a letter in which the insurance company writes that the proposal will be decided in the administrative procedure and that they received the submission on 17/10. So the application was in the hospital for two more weeks and there are two more weeks left before the 30-day deadline.

“Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34

Wednesday 11/01/2023

12:58 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I had my Covid and Flu vaccination today.

Sunday 10/29/2023

20:28 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light.” Matthew 6:22

Ano, je to rozdíl, jestli se díváme na temnotu kolem, nebo do světla Kristovy tváře.

Saturday 10/28/2023

18:16 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“... pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.” Matthew 6:6

Friday 10/27/2023

18:41 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I have already gotten back to a better state. I'm starting to read a bit. We made an insect hotel with Vítek. I am finishing up a proof copy of the children's Bible.

The insurance company should respond no later than November 2. They haven't responded yet.

Wednesday 10/25/2023

13:20 (CZ)
message from Daniel
This isn't our new home :)

Wednesday 10/25/2023

09:51 (CZ)
message from Daniel


I have been taking mild antidepressants since June. They specifically help me to overcome the constant fatigue that accompanies the treatment. Since I have good experience with them, I decided to write my observations.

If you have a serious illness or an unusually difficult life situation, I recommend going to a psychiatrist and asking if any antidepressants would be suitable for you. You may be given medication to help you and at worst they will praise you for doing well and not needing medication.
Zobrazit více
Why You Don't Need to Fear Antidepressants

You don't have to be depressed or a “psychiatric patient”. In the same way that people go to the eye department for barley grain ointment or for major surgery, people with mild problems, not just serious cases, can go to psychiatry.

Antidepressant is not some artificial mood booster. They are different medicines that help with a whole range of problems. For me specifically, they make me not feel exhausted all the time. I get tired, but when I rest, I feel rested afterwards. I used to feel exhausted even by resting and had to constantly push myself. (So this will eventually improve my mood, but not chemically.)

Modern medicines have a minimum of side effects - for example, I don't feel any.

It doesn't have to be for life. Neurol is addictive, but it is taken for an acute problem and must not be taken longer (I never had that). Otherwise, it's the effect of antidepressants what is addictive; if the effect is no longer needed, the medication can be slowly withdrawn. It's similar to coffee; if we do not condemn drinking coffee for stimulation, there is no need to condemn anti-depressants either.

It's not even a spiritual problem. When I get a headache, I'll pray for healing, but I'll also take Paracetamol. When my brain chemistry is broken, I will pray for healing, but I will also take anti-depressants.

That people used to do without antidepressants? Yes, and they also did without migraine medications or antibiotics.

Sunday 10/22/2023

20:25 (CZ)
message from Daniel
At the beginning of the week I started acting like I was healthy. I was finishing the Bible, picked apples, was with Vítek and it was good. Towards the end of the week, it kind of caught up me, and the fatigue returned and the ear got bkocked. So I rest more again.

Thursday 10/19/2023

21:19 (CZ)
message from Daniel

Matthew 4
3 The tempter came to him (...)
11 and angels came and attended him.

After finishing the Psalms, Věrka and I started reading Matthew's Gospel. It catch my attention how the temptation went. It begins with the Tempter approaching and saying to Jesus:

God did not take care of your physical needs.

You cannot be sure of who you are to God.

God does not give you what is rightfully yours.

Jesus sent him to ... well, to the abyss. And the section ends with angels approaching and serving Jesus.

Monday 10/16/2023

10:19 (CZ)
message from Daniel
He has there years.

Sunday 10/15/2023

08:02 (CZ)
message from Daniel
My family is visiting us, so I haven't written.
Have a blessed Sunday.

Tuesday 10/10/2023

13:47 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD.” Psalm 150:6

I have breath.
And we have already read the last Psalm. We have read the long psalms several days, so it will be about half a year of treatment.
And today I also received the decision that I am entitled to a disability pension from May. So maybe they will start paying it.

Sunday 10/08/2023

08:23 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I can feel that a longer period of time has passed since the last dose of chemotherapy. I have more energy, last longer, and get more tasks done throughout the day. For example, there can be shopping and a walk in one day. Or I can be with Vítek even in the evening and prepare him for bed. Things that require concentration are still a problem - for example driving a car for a long time, reading, writing, talking, Sunday service.

It's quite nice that there is a longer break between treatments, so I'm not even angry that I have to wait.

Thursday 10/05/2023

20:59 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit.” Psalm 147:5

We don't understand what God is doing.
But that doesn't mean we can't trust him.

Wednesday 10/04/2023

12:55 (CZ)
message from Daniel
For those who thought that we could pay for the treatment (and wanted to contribute) so that it could start earlier: Drugs would cost about 4900 EUR per month (according to SÚKL). Their delivery would have to be negotiated with the manufacturer along with the price, and that would also take roughly that month. So there is no point in thinking about it now. Only if the insurance company wouldn't approve the payment it would make sense - but it is expected that they will.

Tuesday 10/03/2023

11:49 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I called the doctor after his vacation. They already have the lab results. They tested both the sample from Ostrava and the sample from the metastases, and the receptors they were looking for were not found there. This means that there remains a biological treatment that is used for related tumors - Lenvatinib. It is the most expensive treatment, so the hospital will not pay for it, but it is pending approval by the insurance company. The request has already been sent, processing may take up to 30 days. Its approval is expected.

Sunday 10/01/2023

08:54 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“You hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me.” Psalm 139:5

Only if it makes us feel good?

Friday 09/29/2023

17:44 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I also enjoy working on the children's Bible. Only the last four pages are left to color. Here are a previews of the three most important double-pages from the life of Jesus: the birth, the crucifixion, and the resurrection.

Friday 09/29/2023

17:42 (CZ)
message from Daniel

Friday 09/29/2023

17:41 (CZ)
message from Daniel

Wednesday 09/27/2023

13:28 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“When I called, you answered me; you greatly emboldened me. […] May they sing of the ways of the LORD, for the glory of the LORD is great.” Psalm 138:3 and 5

We feel that we are in God's care and we are actually doing well. Maybe better than many others. We are happy because:

We have harmony in marriage; we are together, we can talk about everything and pray together.

Vítek believed in the Lord Jesus and apparently the Holy Spirit is working in his life. Sometimes we marvel at the way God speaks to him and how he likes to praise the Lord God spontaneously and anywhere.

We have family support and tension-free relationships. We receive the prayer support of the church. We are not alone and have a wide support network.

Zobrazit více

We live in peace and without fear. Without fear of war. No fear of the coronavirus. Without fear of existential difficulties and price increases. Without fear of where the world is going (be it ecology, the future of marriage, migration, or other topics that bother people).

We had to let go of our plans and ideas. But not resignedly “so do what you want”, but with the confidence that God's ways are ultimately the best and if it's not the best, then it's not over yet.

We enjoy beautiful moments in nature on our property in Dubnice and the surrounding area. Vítek and us ran in the tall grass, walked barefoot, climbed a fallen tree, climbed on perch, roasted burritos, got to know animals (mainly insects), plucked flowers, gathered an abundance of forest fruits, watched the stars, slept in a tent...

We live in a nice place where nice trips to nature and to the rocks are available even with our limitations.

We can serve God a little. Věra is preparing a story from the Bible for the mother's center and I am slowly working on coloring the children's Bible.

“Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you preserve my life ...” Psalm 138:7

But that doesn't mean that everything is great and we're enjoying our vacation. We have joy, but it is joy in spite of the fact that:

My future is uncertain and medically there is little prospect of a cure and no full recovery. There are serious question marks over the length of my life.

What we can do is tiny compared to what we could do if I were healthy. I had to let the whole service at the Child Evangelism Fellowship go and not think about it, so that I wouldn't worry about it. (I only sometimes check BCCapp and it's unpleasant to go back to something I used to do.) Vítek has gotten used to looking for his dad more in bed than in the office.

We manage to be in nature, but the trips are 1.5 kilometers long with numerous stops. We have to look for interesting places within an accessible distance, which is not normal at our age.

I experience an abundance of health restrictions, unpleasant bodily sensations and weaknesses that cannot even be communicated and explained to people who have not experienced it.

We won't be able to visit relatives who live further away.

We don't plan and we live in the present, because we can't plan. We don't know what will happen in a few days, let alone a week or a year. We look forward to small things (a time in Dubnice, a trip, drawing the Bible, a visit, ...) and when we don't have them, we miss that we have nothing to look forward to and we both feel worse.

Antidepressants help me overcome fatigue.

“The LORD will vindicate me; your love, LORD, endures forever— do not abandon the works of your hands.” Psalm 138:8

Monday 09/25/2023

20:49 (CZ)
message from Daniel
We gather vitamins. We have 9 liters already.

Monday 09/25/2023

13:52 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion.” Psalm 137:1

We don't remember, we don't plan, we don't sit down to cry. But please pray for my parents and siblings. They take it worse than we do. Perhaps thanks to more prayer support for us.

Sunday 09/24/2023

07:58 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Thank you for your prayers and have a blessed Sunday.

Thursday 09/21/2023

17:48 (CZ)
message from Daniel
It seems to me that there is already a slow improvement. I can last a little longer before I'm too tired. Also, the time is approaching when I will be able to start taking probiotics and that will be another help. We still haven't heard from the hospital, they're probably waiting for the lab.

Tuesday 09/19/2023

10:02 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“I do not concern myself with great matters or things too wonderful for me. But I have calmed and quieted myself, I am like a weaned child with its mother.” Psalm 131:1-2

Monday 09/18/2023

20:01 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I haven't noticed significant improvement yet, and they haven't called from the hospital yet.

Saturday 09/16/2023

16:27 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Now I have been quite acceptable for two days. We'll see if this will be the beginning of improvement after the chemotherapy is over.

Thursday 09/14/2023

13:33 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dream.” Psalm 126:1

Why was it like a dream for them? Because what the Lord did was so incredible.

“Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy!” Psalm 126:5

Wednesday 09/13/2023

11:07 (CZ)
message from Daniel
They didn't come up with anything better in Prague. They recommended to wait for the results from the laboratory and if a receptor (for something) was detected, then to target the treatment on that (either hormonal or immunological). If not, choose a biological treatment for a related tumor.

The results from the laboratory are not yet available, so they will be next week.

Tuesday 09/12/2023

17:11 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I have no further news today either.

Monday 09/11/2023

17:05 (CZ)
message from Daniel
The doctor didn't call today. So I don't have a decision about treatment yet.

Sunday 09/10/2023

09:15 (CZ)
message from Daniel

For the sake of my family and friends, I will say, “Peace be within you.” Psalm 122:8

Saturday 09/09/2023

20:45 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Thank you all for your prayers.

Thursday 09/07/2023

13:41 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I found out that I'm actually happy. We have finished reading Psalm 119.

“I have strayed like a lost sheep. Seek your servant, for I have not forgotten your commands.” Psalm 119:176

This verse seems to me to explain the whole psalm. It is written by a person who has done everything he could. He fell in love with the Lord's law and that he kept it with all his might. Nevertheless, celebratory odes to the Lord's judgments are still interrupted by cries, “save me”, “preserve my life”, “deliver me”, “redeem me”. He wanders like a lost lamb because he does not yet know a shepherd. We already know him.

Wednesday 09/06/2023

13:26 (CZ)
message from Daniel

For more details on the previous message

Growth of Tumors
Tumors in the liver grew slightly (about a centimeter), tumors in the bones imperceptibly. But they are all alive. No new visible metases were created. This means that chemotherapy has slowed their growth. But there is no point in continuing, because the chemotherapy would kill me before the tumors. When the chemotherapy is finished, the tumors will grow again and new ones will form.

There will definitely be no more chemotherapy. It was good to immediately start the strongest possible chemotherapy. Now after the first series, a continuation is out of the question and they don't have to try stronger now, which would prolong the wait and the difficulties.
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Expertly written what we are waiting for
The tumor sample will be analyzed for HER2 and AR expression. Furthermore, the finding will be consulted on the molecular oncology board in the VFN (Prague hospital) of the possibility of targeted therapy with the case of a proven MYB:NFIB fusion.

How ​​the treatment will proceed
There are no drugs directly for this type of tumor. But there are drugs for related tumors that might be effective, but their effect on this tumor has not been tested. It is good to take advantage of the fact that the tumors are weakened by chemotherapy and start another treatment as soon as possible. Most likely early next week.

Why weren't these drugs started sooner

There are at least eight different drugs of different types that can be considered. Awaiting recommendations on what to start with, but none of them have a proven effect. When one doesn't help, another is tried.

This is a non-standard treatment. Approval will be sought from the insurance company to reimburse me for the medication. To get started as quickly as possible, drugs will be paid by the hospital initially.

Side effects of new treatment
All the drugs considered are taken in tablets and their side effects are mild compared to chemotherapy. This means that the condition of the blood cells (and thus fatigue and inability to concentrate), neuropathy (numbness and tingling of the limbs) and digestion should slowly improve. The specific new difficulties depend on what they choose for medication.

Current Status
The blood cells are in reasonably good condition (for being post chemo) and should continue to improve. Platelets are bad, but that should be improving. The liver, even with tumors, works without restrictions at 100%.

Local treatment options
Now the priority is to prevent new metastases and destroy tumors in the bones. It makes no sense to treat one tumor when others are forming next to it. Bone tumors cannot be operated on. If only the tumors in the liver remained, it would not be so difficult to get rid of them. One is in a large lobe and could be safely excised even with a piece of liver lobe. In the context of oncology, this would be a minor operation. The other is in a small lobe, so they would not want to choose such a radical solution, but it is still possible to consider strangulation or irradiation. But now the liver works without restrictions even with tumors and I have no pain. Therefore, there is no reason to proceed with the operation and thereby worsen my health condition and with it the conditions for further treatment.

Is this good news or bad news?
It's one step away from the worst. The better thing is that the growth of the tumor has slowed down and maybe now is a better starting point for further treatment. It could also turn out to be quite good news. If we could soon find effective drugs that would destroy small tumors and prevent new ones from forming. In that case, it would be better than shrinking the tumors now and continuing chemotherapy, which has worse side effects. It can also become bad news if the appropriate medication cannot be found, or it cannot be found quickly enough.

How ​​I feel
I am immediately glad that the chemotherapy is over. I've gotten into the habit of not looking any further than about three days ahead. Věrka is brave and supports me. We will continue as before and wait. Now we look forward to a week of nice weather without worsening side effects.

“Let my soul live and praise you, and let your rules help me.” Psalm 119:175

Wednesday 09/06/2023

10:01 (CZ)
message from Daniel
For now, in brief straight from the hospital: The tumors in the liver grew a little, the tumors in the bones did not grow (or only imperceptibly), new visible ones did not appear.

This means that even though the chemo has slowed the growth of the tumors, chemo will not continue because it is killing me faster than it is killing the tumors.

There is no directly targeted biological or immunological treatment. There are a number of drugs that are used for related tumors and diseases. In the hospital, they are waiting for the results from the laboratory in relation to these drugs and they are waiting for a consultation from the General Faculty Hospital in Prague (specialized department). Accordingly, they will try to select one of these related medicines to try.
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I see the results as a better version of the worst option.

Tuesday 09/05/2023

20:08 (CZ)
message from Daniel

Tuesday 09/05/2023

07:29 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Tomorrow I will find out the PET/CT results and the next course of treatment accordingly.

What can be expected?

No tumors only by miracle.

Shrunken tumors. Depending on the degree of reduction, either chemotherapy or local radiation would be continued.

Non-enlarged tumors. Chemotherapy would be continued.

Enlarged tumors.

“Sustain me, my God, according to your promise, and I will live; do not let my hopes be dashed.” Psalm 119:116

Monday 09/04/2023

10:20 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“Remember your word to your servant, in which you have made me hope.” Psalm 119:49

Saturday 09/02/2023

13:28 (CZ)
message from Daniel
It's been two weeks since the last dose of chemotherapy, so I'm having a better time. This means a peak in the graph (about 20% of energy). Now I'm happy about the rounding of the last three arcs, which is a small but significant difference for me.

In a better season I can, for example

go shopping,

a two-hour trip at the Víteks pace,

drive a car for half an hour.

But if I have shopping on one day, a trip on the next day and someone visiting us on the third day, I feel that it is a demanding week and I will have to rest more. By that I mean more than sleeping for 9 hours and at noon and occasionally resting in between.

Thursday 08/31/2023

08:53 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I'm going for an examination today. I will know the results on September 6. When the results are good, I will quote Psalm 116. If it won't, I don't have a psalm selected yet :)

Wednesday 08/30/2023

08:46 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I am thankful

Vítek has already recovered from his cold and that means he is in a better mood and things are easier with him.

Věrka has already recovered and had a mild course.

I didn't catch a cold, which is actually a miracle. I've always caught colds easily, and now I don't have the saliva that normally prevents infections and my immunity is even lower.

Tuesday 08/29/2023

09:57 (CZ)
message from Daniel
We moved to Liberec a year ago. We thought the treatment was over.

Friday 08/25/2023

19:23 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“Blessed are those who fear the Lord, ... They will have no fear of bad news; their hearts are steadfast, trusting in the Lord. Their hearts are secure, they will have no fear.” Psalm 112:1 and 7-8

Thursday 08/24/2023

15:18 (CZ)
message from Daniel
It's starting to get better today.

Wednesday 08/23/2023

13:59 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Somehow the pain in my joints lasts longer and adds to the tingling and weakness in my limbs.
But Vítek and Věrka are already recovering from a cold and I didn't catch it. I'm glad.

Monday 08/21/2023

10:43 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I will know the results of the treatment on September 6.

“My heart is ready, O God, I will sing, I will sing psalms ... for your mercy reaches above the sky, your faithfulness to the clouds.” Psalm 108:2 and 5

If the results are positive, then my heart is ready to sing psalms. If the tumor grows, I don't know. Even so, perhaps some other psalm could be found. There are psalms like that too.

Vítek is already recovering from a cold, now Věrka has it again. Hopefuly I won't catch.

Saturday 08/19/2023

21:33 (CZ)
message from Daniel
So hopefully it will start geting better.

Friday 08/18/2023

19:31 (CZ)
message from Daniel
It seems to be the usual course. Tonight and tomorrow will be the worst.

Thursday 08/17/2023

12:35 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts. Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. Remember the wonders he has done, his miracles, and the judgments he pronounced.” Psalm 105:1-5

As usual, I'm doing better so far because I'm on medication from the infusion.

Wednesday 08/16/2023

15:12 (CZ)
message from Daniel
The next dose of chemotherapy stopped to drip.

Tuesday 08/15/2023

10:28 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I had my blood tested today and if the results allow, tomorrow I will receive the last dose of chemotherapy in this serie. Please pray for better tolerance of the side effects.

Please also pray:

for strength for Věrka, when she will take care of Vítek and me for a few days.

for Vítek, after the dose he tries to be nice to me.

for my parents who have to endure their son's treatment from a distance and for my siblings.

for the wife's parents and the entire Stebel family.

Sunday 08/13/2023

08:58 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Thank you for all the prayers and I wish blessing in all places of worship.

I have my last dose of chemo in this serie on Wednesday. Then on August 31, I will have a control PET/CT, the results of which I will know on September. Based on the results, it will be decided what happens next.

Saturday 08/12/2023

19:43 (CZ)
message from Daniel
We found something.

Friday 08/11/2023

13:00 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“Know that the LORD is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.” Psalm 100:3

Tuesday 08/08/2023

11:44 (CZ)
message from Daniel
How am i doing? Tired. It's been going on for a long time. Věrka and I are already reading the hundredth psalm.

Friday 08/04/2023

20:51 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“It is good to praise the LORD and make music to your name, O Most High, proclaiming your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night.” Psalm 92:1-2

How is God's faithfulness proclaimed at night? I would say that when you trust him even when you can't sleep.

Wednesday 08/02/2023

18:31 (CZ)
message from Daniel
My joints still hurt a little, but I could handle this.

Monday 07/31/2023

17:51 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Today is really better. Joint pain can be tolerated with Paralen and Ibalgin. But I still slept badly.

Saturday 07/29/2023

16:05 (CZ)
message from Daniel
So I hope the worst after this dose is over. Hopefully it will be getting better.

“Bring joy to your servant, Lord, for I put my trust in you.” Psalm 86:4

Friday 07/28/2023

14:31 (CZ)
message from Daniel
My joints are already starting to hurt. But otherwise it's not worse than the last dose.

Thursday 07/27/2023

10:53 (CZ)
message from Daniel
So far it's quite acceptable for me when I rest. So I look through photos to think of nice things.

“Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?” Luke 12:25

By the way, have you noticed how younger I look without a beard? Probably only a few people get younger after chemotherapy :) Well, only in a cap.

Wednesday 07/26/2023

09:57 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Another dose of chemotherapy has already started to drip.

Tuesday 07/25/2023

12:34 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I was on a blood tests today. I will get the results tomorrow and if the white blood cells will be better I will get another dose of chemo.

I have been very tired and sick for the last few days.

Saturday 07/22/2023

18:13 (CZ)
message from Daniel
It's a bit challenging that things keep changing. You get used to something and it's different again. You then have to deal with changes all the time, and that is challenging.

Thursday 07/20/2023

10:17 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Today's dose is postponed until following Wednesday.
My white blood cell level is too low, I have been given medication to support it. I'll go for a blood test on Tuesday and if the white blood cells level improves I'll go for another dose on Wednesday. It is not clear whether the decrease was caused by the new chemotherapy, even though it is gentler, or if it was due to the effect of the previous triple combination. Anyway, for the next dose, they will prescribe growth factors to support the bone marrow in the production of blood cells. I wasn't happy about that because they used to make me sick. Other blood results are reasonably good.

Wednesday 07/19/2023

13:29 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I will get the next dose tomorrow.

Monday 07/17/2023

11:36 (CZ)
message from Daniel
My next dose is due this week on Thursday. It will be the penultimate one in this series. Today I was at the blood test.

Saturday 07/15/2023

16:59 (CZ)
message from Daniel
We must go home.

Friday 07/14/2023

09:03 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Psalm 71:19
“Though you have made me see troubles, many and bitter, you will restore my life again; from the depths of the earth you will again bring me up.”

Psalm 73:21-22 and 24
“When my heart was grieved and my spirit embittered, I was senseless and ignorant; I was a brute beast before you. (...) You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory.”

Thursday 07/13/2023

08:24 (CZ)
message from Daniel
The ear is second day blocked again.

Wednesday 07/12/2023

14:00 (CZ)
message from Daniel
You may remember that a year ago I introduced you to our family project: children's Bible. I started working on it at the hospital two years ago. Last spring, Věrka drew all the pictures. I digitized the pictures this winter and when I'm feeling better after chemotherapy, I've started coloring them.

The main difference from other children's Bibles is that each story is displayed on two pages. The left pages show the default human situation. The right side shows the situation after God's intervention. Thus, by viewing pictures and reading texts, children gain a relationship with God who saves and changes lives.
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Other properties

Short texts for preschoolers (or first independent reading).

Illustrations that don't look like fairy tales, but depict real events.

Bubbles in pictures to help parents read pictures to kids too.

Here is a sample of the double pages colored so far.

Wednesday 07/12/2023

14:00 (CZ)
message from Daniel

Wednesday 07/12/2023

14:00 (CZ)
message from Daniel

Wednesday 07/12/2023

14:00 (CZ)
message from Daniel

Tuesday 07/11/2023

16:59 (CZ)
message from Daniel
The joints no longer hurt at all. I was more tired again yesterday and today. The ear remains free most of the day.

Sunday 07/09/2023

13:16 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.” Psalm 68:19

I am thankful for Sunday that I was able to be in the church.

Friday 07/07/2023

09:04 (CZ)
message from Daniel
My joints only hurt about as much as after a day trip and it doesn't sting anymore.

But wonder. I had a blocked ear the whole time of chemotherapy, because with every load on the body, it blocks. When I am healthy, sometimes the greater part of the day it remains free. And now on the third day, most of the day it is free. It's pleasant. (Actually, the problem is that the closure of the Eustachian tube is not tight, and the resonance from the head cavities enters the ear.)

Wednesday 07/05/2023

18:21 (CZ)
message from Daniel
We had a worship evening at home.

Wednesday 07/05/2023

12:22 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Today the joints hurt less.

Monday 07/03/2023

10:21 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Now I feel like I used to feel on Wednesday or Thursday. So I have two to three extra days. If only my joints didn't hurt. I would rejoice.

“Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. Trust in him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.” Psalm 62:5-8

Sunday 07/02/2023

07:56 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I wish you a blessed Sunday.
I can still eat and I'm not so sick. But my joints hurt. Like it does in a fever, but I don't have a fever.

Saturday 07/01/2023

12:11 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I'm tired, dizzy, mostly lying down. But it's still better than it was last time and much better than before.

Friday 06/30/2023

10:27 (CZ)
message from Daniel
So far I can still eat normally and have no pain. I am tired. But the dose was a day later. Saturday and Sunday will be the main ones.

“But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble. You are my strength, I sing praise to you; you, God, are my fortress, my God on whom I can rely.” Psalm 59:16-17

Thursday 06/29/2023

13:56 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I'm home from the fourth dose of chemotherapy. According to the plan, it was one-substance chemotherapy. I feel quite acceptable so far. But we'll see in the next few days.

Wednesday 06/28/2023

12:23 (CZ)
message from Daniel

It's better than it seemed

“Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in you my soul takes refuge; in the shadow of your wings I will take refuge, till the storms of destruction pass by. I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me.” Psalm 57:1-2

Growth of tumors doesn't mean that the treatment doesn't work
Liver tumors are specific. It could also be that they die and the dead tissue absorbs water and the tumor grows larger. Thus, CT results are unclear. The PET/CT on August 31st will show more (after completing the chemotherapy series).
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Lighter chemotherapy will continue
I had three components of chemotherapy. Two additive components won't be applied any more.
There are two reasons for this:

CT did not showed their definite benefit.

Few people can tolerate more than three doses of this triple combination. My blood results are borderline. I might be able to take another dose, but they'd rather stop now so I'm in better shape for the next treatment.

The chemotherapy that remains has fewer side effects. I should feel much better now, the nausea should subside and the blood should settle. Tingling in the fingertips may begin. I have three more doses of this one component of chemotherapy to go. The first tomorrow and the next every three weeks. They will be administered on an outpatient basis. After completion, the results will be verified by PET/CT.

A brighter outlook for the future
Action after completing the chemotherapy series, will depend on the PET/CT results. So far, chemotherapy has been necessary because other metastasis were forming quickly. If the PET/CT will show that the tumors are shrinking or dying, it will be considered that small invisible foci of the same tumor are destroyed.

If the effect of chemotherapy will be significant, the same chemotherapy substance will be continued (this one is lighter and can therefore be given longer).

If the effect is weaker, local treatment will be considered. That is, radiation or surgery. The tumors in the bones are quite small and the liver heals well, so from an oncological point of view, when there is no threat of further metastases, it is a lighter case.

If the tumors grow, or do not die, or other foci appear, another combination of chemotherapy components will be tried.

Note: The lady doctor in the ambulance is very chaotic. In the middle of the answer, she forgets what the question was or starts to deal with something else. She gives confused answers. Therefore, the original information (for the second time) was misleading. Now I will be going to another doctor who is in charge of chemotherapy. This information is from him.

Tuesday 06/27/2023

19:37 (CZ)
message from Daniel
So I have a certificate of disability of degree 3 (out of three). So far, they have stopped paying sick leave. In time, they will hopefully start paying a pension (perhaps a higher amount than sick pay).

Tuesday 06/27/2023

13:24 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Vítek: “We will clap. Father clap. Mother, clap too. We will clap that God is king. We will clap like this up to him.”
So we all clapped that God is king.

Monday 06/26/2023

11:34 (CZ)
message from Daniel

“Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken.” Psalm 55:22

As far as health is concerned, we haven't seen many answered prayers yet. Actually, the worst of the listed messages always came. (Of course, it's possible that God protected us from something even worse, but we don't know about that.)

On the other hand, we perceive answered prayers in how we experience it. God carries us and your prayers sustain us. We don't live in sorrow, or fear, or regret. We experience beautiful things and God's closeness.

Friday 06/23/2023

20:52 (CZ)
message from Daniel
We left to heal from sadness under the tent and now to the cottage. Every day we live for today. And we experience nice things.

Thursday 06/22/2023

09:32 (CZ)
message from Daniel

Two year anniversary of the surgery

Today is two years since the surgery for the primary salivary gland tumor. At that time, after a series of negative reports, good news began to come in about a successful operation and good healing progress. At the same time, it was the hardest week of my life.

To the current state

They had not seen smaller tumors in the bones on a regular CT before. So it doesn't mean an improvement. But it means that they have not grown to be visible. I am scheduled for a PET/CT in August (after the end of chemotherapy), where they will also see the status of the tumors in the bones. If these small tumors could be eliminated, local radiation or liver surgery could be considered.
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I understood the continuation of only one component of chemotherapy as follows: Two auxiliary components do not bring an effect, so there is no reason to bother me with them. They keep the strongest one because they have nothing better. (Maybe it would at least slow down the growth.)

On Wednesday, I will go to the oncologist for chemotherapy, who will prescribe a change in treatment (medications for side effects will also change). There I can still ask about the details and what exactly they expect from the continuation of the treatment.

Thank you for your prayers. God is with us.

Wednesday 06/21/2023

09:22 (CZ)
message from Daniel
The tumors on the liver has grown.

Bone tumors are not seen on a regular CT scan. Now, this immediately means that they will stop two components of chemotherapy because they are not working and leave only one, the strongest, the most hopeful, that it might do something after all.

Tuesday 06/20/2023

11:50 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Here we go to rest under the oaks. We have a tent, deckchairs and camping seating. I'm not nervous yet, there will be plenty of time for that tomorrow.

Monday 06/19/2023

13:49 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I've already had a CT scan. I will know the results on Wednesday.

Sunday 06/18/2023

08:30 (CZ)
message from Daniel
We will all go to the church.
I pray for all places of worship and send thank you for prayers.

Friday 06/16/2023

12:46 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I feel human again. A sick person, but I can do a little, eat, think. It's better.

Wednesday 06/14/2023

17:31 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Since Monday, the improvement has been progressing at the usual slow pace. Even the infection heals. I'm starting to eat normal meals, I'm able to go for a short walk, I'm starting to be more aware of my surroundings, I can paint a little. It's nice weather, so we're out all day (I'm mostly in a lounger). Tomorrow, I will probably be able to care of Vítek, or help something at home.

Tuesday 06/13/2023

09:36 (CZ)
message from Daniel
On Monday (June 19) I will go for a CT scan. I will get the results on Wednesday (June 21). A better weekend is a great encouragement before this important examination.

Possible scan results

No cancer - that would be God's miracle.

Shrunken tumors - still a miracle as it would mean the treatment is working better than expected.

Non-enlarged tumors - still good news from a medical point of view, it would mean continuation of the set treatment.

Enlarged tumors - depending on the rate of growth, the treatment would have to be reassessed, while the one used is already very aggressive.

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“And now, O Lord, for what do I wait? My hope is in you.” Psalm 39:7

Monday 06/12/2023

12:16 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I went to oncology today because of the yeast infection in my mouth. It is mainly held at the back of the throat. It feels, like when one has a cold and a “lump in the throat”.

The infection is spoiling my joy a bit. Otherwise, I'm a little better again and I'm grateful for a noticeably better weekend.

Sunday 06/11/2023

08:41 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I feel a little better than yesterday. I'm just fighting a yeast infection in my mouth.

Thank you all for your prayers. I will not go to the church yet, but I am praying for all the meeting places.

Saturday 06/10/2023

16:01 (CZ)
message from Daniel
The improved condition continues. I just got a nasty coating in my mouth.

Saturday 06/10/2023

08:28 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I am much better than I used to be on Saturday after my chemo dose. I was even hungry at night and ate the whole porridge in the morning. (Last time around this time I ate two spoons and lay curled up in a ball, unable to think.)

Just to be clear: I'm still tired, have hiccups, heartburn, slight stomach aches, not feeling well. But it is incomparably better compared to the previous states.

Friday 06/09/2023

18:48 (CZ)
message from Daniel
So far, I am still better than after the previous doses. Thank God.

Friday 06/09/2023

13:11 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I'm not too sick yet. I'm waiting for the afternoon and for Saturday.

Thursday 06/08/2023

10:36 (CZ)
message from Daniel
They are already releasing me from the hospital. They tried changing the meds a bit for the side effects, so I'm waiting to see if that gets better.

Wednesday 06/07/2023

13:36 (CZ)
message from Daniel
They have just started to apply third dose of chemotherapy. It will take eight hours again.

Wednesday 06/07/2023

10:46 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I'm already in the hospital, waiting for the results of the blood test.

Monday 06/05/2023

08:00 (CZ)
message from Daniel

How I feel

Fatigue is the dominant feeling. I have been tired for the past two years due to the lingering effects of the surgery. For this kind of fatigue that rest does not help. But now I'm tired in another way. Slow. Inefficient. I can't focus. Even when I'm better, I can't work. I feel sick when I read for a while. When I tried to watch a movie for an hour, I felt sick. Being outside in the fresh air helps the most.

Not always, but right now. I am thankful for the nice weather outside. Thursday and Friday we were out all day and I felt almost healthy after a long time. I am thankful for family and prayer support.
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I was hoping that the onset of the side effects of chemotherapy would be slower and I would have time to do something else. Instead, I am withdrawn from the first dose. The side effects are worse for some people, but on the other hand, they are not miraculously mild and can get worse. (Still, I'm thankful it's not worse, because it could happen.)

I realize that there are many people who are in the same situation or worse, and yet not nearly as many people are praying for them. Sometimes it seems unfair to me. (Even worse when it comes to people who have no hope of the resurrection.) If you feel bad, I suggest you share it with the church.

I have hope that the treatment will again be some period that will end and there will be peace for several years. I wish it was 20 years, or at least 4 years without the need for treatment. And even if I die, I have hope in the resurrection and I believe that God would also take care of Vítek and Věra (although it would be harder for them than for me).

Other Feelings
Of course I worry sometimes. Sometimes I wonder how Věra and Vítek would be without me. Other times, I rather look forward to recovery and wonder what will happen after the treatment ends. When I'm sick, I'd rather be with God right now. Contrary to what some of you assume, I feel no remorse.

What I'm experiencing also affects Věra, so we are grateful for the prayers for our whole family.

Sunday 06/04/2023

08:43 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Thank you all for your prayers and I pray for the Sunday services in all the meeting places. May God bless you and guide your prayers.

I'm due for another dose on Wednesday.

Thursday 06/01/2023

20:47 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I was unexpectedly well today.

Wednesday 05/31/2023

20:17 (CZ)
message from Daniel
It's quite good like this.

Wednesday 05/31/2023

10:34 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Psalm 31:14-15
But I trust in you, Lord; I say, “You are my God.” My times are in your hands.

Sunday 05/28/2023

20:15 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I'm glad I was able to be in the church, even though it was a bit challenging. For the last two days I've been feeling tired and kind of sluggish.

Friday 05/26/2023

17:06 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Paraphrase Psalm 27:3
If they would tell me an unfavorable diagnosis, my heart will not feel fear, even if the treatment begins, I will still hope.

Thursday 05/25/2023

19:02 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I can now go out and do a little. I feel so much better when I'm outside and resting.

Tuesday 05/23/2023

14:29 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I was looking forward to writing after this weekend: “Although it would be natural for the condition to get worse with the next dose, by God's grace I got better. It is a great testimony of God's love and answered prayers.” But it wasn't like that. Not that nothing happened, but it's rather small for God's greatness.

“In every prayer and petition give thanks and present your requests to God.” (Philippians 4,6)

So I decided to write a list of things that could have been worse so you know what to be thankful for.
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What could have been worse:

I only threw up once, especially after such strong chemotherapy that they applied, it's great.

I felt much better mentally.

After the weekend, I am slowly getting back to a usable state (not exactly healthy, but I can do something).

The weather is nice and being in the air helps me.

My appetite is coming back (and my stomach can tolerate lighter meals), some people suffer from loss of appetite all the time.

I don't have canker sores, bleeding, rashes and similar problems that can occur.

Everyone helps us, Vítek is healthy and kind and he enjoys being babysat by his relatives.

We can pray with Věrka and we don't fall into depression.

Monday 05/22/2023

09:04 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I ate porridge today and I'm starting to move.

Sunday 05/21/2023

09:38 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Compared to yesterday, I feel much better. I wish everyone a blessed Sunday.

Saturday 05/20/2023

15:44 (CZ)
message from Daniel
After noon I felt very bad. I just lay curled up and couldn't even think. Věrka went to take Vítek to his grandmother. I was home alone. Suddenly I felt as if the sun came out from under a cloud and brightened. (Although it was still the same light outside.) Something in my head changed and I became able to pray and perceive.

It was around the time when Věrka handed over Víteček and prayed that God would intervene now. (And maybe you just prayed too.) I'm sick now, but I'm able to think and eat a little.

Saturday 05/20/2023

08:17 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I was not well in the morning, then I threw up. It's a little better now. I'm resting and I'm weak. My stomach doesn't hurt right now.

Friday 05/19/2023

21:04 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I feel worse this evening.

Friday 05/19/2023

08:00 (CZ)
message from Daniel
The night was calm. My stomach hurts, but it helps to eat small portions of something warm often. The head is fogged again.

But last time the Saturday and Sunday were the worst. So I look to God's help especially for these days.

Thursday 05/18/2023

13:04 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I am at home.

Thursday 05/18/2023

07:00 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Chemotherapy ended after 9 pm. I slept worse in the evening and my stomach ached in the morning, but eating a little helped.

Wednesday 05/17/2023

12:18 (CZ)
message from Daniel
The good news: since the last test, both the red and white blood cells have returned to normal.

The second dose of chemotherapy will begin shortly. Again, it will take eight hours.

Tuesday 05/16/2023

14:48 (CZ)
message from Daniel
So my hair started falling out. This for me is not a problem :)

Tomorrow they will take control blood samples and I will find out the opinion of the oncologists. I'll post here as soon as I know something.

Sunday 05/14/2023

20:23 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I will have my second dose of chemotherapy on Wednesday. Along with medication for side effects, the infusion will last eight hours. Like last time, I'll be in the hospital until Thursday.

Summary of my health status

It's a great mercy that I didn't throw up at all.

After the last dose, I had a bloated stomach with pain and a fogged head. When we already know what awaits me, we try to prepare as a precaution (for example, eat light meals).

Red blood cells have already reached the lower limit of normal. So I'm not so tired anymore. I feel almost healthy in the fresh air, worse in a room. When I sit or lie down for some time, I feel worse. So I try to be active when strength allows.

White blood cells are significantly below the norm, so immunity is greatly weakened. I have to protect myself against infection because it would mean a big complication. (The risk which is hardest to protect against is infection from Vítek.)

Blood platelets are below the norm, but so far this does not have a negative effect.

Friday 05/12/2023

13:39 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Sometimes I still think about Sunday sermon. It was about David's prayer battle for the life of his child he conceived with Bathsheba.

As long as the child lived, David fasted, prayed, wept. In short, he fought in prayer for the child's life because he had hope. When the child died, David got up, washed, and ate. He accepted God's will without remorse. “I will go after him, but he will not return to me.”

I don't know if I can combine both in this way: a fervent prayer battle and at the same time acceptance of God's will. David was able to do this even when praying for his child. I would say that it is even more difficult than praying for yourself.
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Please pray also for my family and parents.

Tuesday 05/09/2023

20:22 (CZ)
message from Daniel
This week is already more pleasant. I thought about how we sometimes say, “Live as if this day were your last.” or “Like Jesus is coming tomorrow.” I've also found it a useful idea before. In theory, one should focus on what is important and not deal with unnecessary things.

But when it becomes a reality and every day can be the last, or more precisely, I don't know if this isn't the last week when I feel normal, suddenly it's not so clear anymore. There are so many things I would still like to do, to finish. And then again I tell myself not to rush now and end up regretting that I spent the last normal moments of my life trying to do something instead of enjoying it, relaxing and doing what makes me happy. It's not that easy.
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But it brings something clear. Yes, I live with a clearer view of eternity. I don't know how many more things I will have in my life to look forward to. But one thing is certain, I can look forward to eternity. Nevertheless, I pray that it will not be so soon. Although many things are possible, I believe that God can give me many more years of health.

Sunday 05/07/2023

21:09 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I really was in the church and made it. I certainly didn't get to talk to everyone I wanted to (and who wanted to talk to me). I already had to go for an air. But I'm glad to be in fellowship and I appreciate the prayer battle of all of you.

Saturday 05/06/2023

21:40 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I would like to go to the church (with a respirator) tomorrow. I pray for all the Sunday services and thank you for your prayers.

Thursday 05/04/2023

08:56 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Věrka and I read from the Bible every evening. Now we began to read the Psalms. Yesterday we read the sixth psalm. I had to think about how it was similar to our situation and how it was different. I decided to share it with you.

Psalm 6

“Lord, do not rebuke me in your anger or discipline me in your wrath.”

If God were just, but without mercy, I would be dying of a far worse disease than cancer. To the sin. Thank God for his grace. Every moment of life is a gift.
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“Have mercy on me, Lord, for I am faint; heal me, Lord, for my bones are in agony.”

Yes. Amen. Only my bones tingle with cancer and not fear.

“My soul is in deep anguish. How long, Lord, how long? Turn, Lord, and deliver me; save me because of your unfailing love.”

This is what Sunday was about. God, should I live? Great. Should i die? You can decide that. But what should I do with what awaits me? But it remained on Sunday. I didn't get a straight answer, but I got a peace.

“Among the dead no one proclaims your name. Who praises you from the grave?”

How much better knowledge of hope do we have than David. No, the underworld isn't waiting for me. The Kingdom of God awaits me, where I will give praise much more perfectly than here.

“I am worn out from my groaning. All night long I flood my bed with weeping and drench my couch with tears.”

No longer. Thank God not anymore. It only lasted one day. I am grateful for that.

“The Lord has heard my cry for mercy; the Lord accepts my prayer.”


Tuesday 05/02/2023

12:21 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I feel like after a sicknes today. Weaker and having headache (I can take a pill for this).

If I had six times (six doses of chemotherapy) to experience such a worse week and then have peace for several years because of it, it wouldn't be so bad. The problem is the “if”. It can be completely different.

But God raised us up. We already have some outlook with faith and hope. We are grateful for that. But we are careful and do not take it for granted.

Monday 05/01/2023

16:35 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I thank God and thank you for the prayers. Today is much better. Mainly mentally. But also physically. The bowels begin to move and the head is no longer so obscured. It's not good yet, but there is hope.

Sunday 04/30/2023

11:30 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Physically, the condition is improving. But I cried for half the morning. I am praying, but I don't really know what to do with what is probably waiting for me.

Sunday 04/30/2023

07:56 (CZ)
message from Daniel
The bowels seem to be starting to move. Thank you for your prayers. I'm still weak. I will not go to the church, but I pray for a blessing in all places where God's word and his praise will be heard.

Saturday 04/29/2023

18:23 (CZ)
message from Daniel
My stomach still hurts, but mentally I feel better. Thank you for your prayers.

Saturday 04/29/2023

07:18 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I do not feel good today. I haven't been on the toilet since Wednesday. My stomach is bloated. My mouth is drier than usual. And I'm tired.

Friday 04/28/2023

15:47 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I don't feel sick yet. I'm tired, I have worse digestion. Sometimes I get dizzy. But otherwise good. Now I'm out with Víteček on the playground. Thank God for it.

Thursday 04/27/2023

09:49 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I'm out of the hospital and doing pretty well so far.

Wednesday 04/26/2023

21:07 (CZ)
message from Daniel
The infusion has finished. It took 8 hours. Medications for side effects and the three components of chemotherapy. I feel normal so far.

Wednesday 04/26/2023

11:47 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I learned the details for the treatment:

Bone metastases are not operable, the only treatment left is chemotherapy.

Radiotherapy is not a solution, because while three places would be irradiated, additional tumors would arise elsewhere.

A complete cure cannot be expected from chemotherapy. In the best case, it stops the growth of tumors for up to a few years (or just a few months). Then chemotherapy will be repeated. That is, until the time when I will not be able to bear more chemotherapy.

Because I'm young and healthy, they want to use aggressive treatment in hopes of damaging the tumor as much as possible (and making it take longer to grow back).

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Chemotherapy course:

The application would be once every three weeks.

Each time with hospitalization over one night.

If I was in a bad condition before the next dose (subjectively or according to blood sampling), the dose can be postponed or the treatment changed.

After three doses (at the end of July) there will be a first evaluation of effectiveness.

Six doses in total (if a dose does not have to be postponed due to bad condition, it will end in mid-August).

Side effects:

They are individual, someone can tolerate it well and work while taking it, someone can feel bad and the treatment must be interrupted or changed.

Mainly nausea (it can be treated, but it may take longer to find out which medicine works best for me).

Impaired immunity (I must avoid groups of people - if only with a respirator - and avoid sick people). Over time, other related diseases, such as canker sores, rashes, etc.

Increasing fatigue due to lack of red blood cells.

Over time, bleeding (from the nose, blood in the urine, after an injury - the result of a lack of platelets).

Wednesday 04/26/2023

09:18 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I'm already in the hospital. The doctors will come after the visit, around noon.

I'm in a superior room so I can choose my meals. So I don't have to eat only a liquid diet, but if there is food I can eat, I can choose normal food from some other diet. That's a big help.

Monday 04/24/2023

16:32 (CZ)
message from Daniel
So far, I have tackled things at home that have not yet been completed after the move to Liberec. I can see the results and it makes me happy.

However, we were not happy when Věrka and I read the report from the doctor (the one from Friday). There were written, hospitalization (not outpatient administration) on Wednesday and the start of palliative chemotherapy.

So I called the doctor for an explanation, because there was no mention of either. She confirmed both. So on Wednesday I'm going to the hospital - unknown for how long, depending on the situation. And they take chemotherapy as palliative. This means that they do not expect a cure from it. They expect to slow down, ideally stop the growth of metastases. Fortunately, I don't expect healing from chemotherapy either, I am looking for healing from God. (But learning this diagnosis just by accident in the middle of a three-page report is still not pleasant.)

Friday 04/21/2023

11:42 (CZ)
message from Daniel
The first dose of chemotherapy is scheduled for Wednesday. Chemotherapy will be three-component, it will be different substances than two years ago (before the operation). I will commute to the Liberec Hospital for doses on an outpatient basis. Doses are given once every 14 days, if the state of health allows (blood samples are taken each time). The first testing of the effectiveness of chemotherapy will be after 4 doses (in mid-June).

The unavailability of a form of treatment other than chemotherapy was definitely disappointing. More significant side effects are to be expected - nausea and weakness almost certainly - although God has the power to protect against them. So now we pray for healing and protection from side effects.
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So far, Věrka and I have focused on preparations and arrangements before starting the treatment. Car repairs, making adjustments to the apartment, dealing with offices and applying for an increase in disability pension. I will work as long as I can. It helps to do something. It helps to be happy about something and has something to look forward to.

Tuesday 04/18/2023

14:56 (CZ)
message from Daniel
I got the results from the lab today by phone. Genetic testing of the tumor (which was so long awaited) showed that neither Biological treatment nor Immunological treatment could be applied*.

This Friday I will go for blood tests and for an exact Chemotherapy plan. I'm going to the dentist on Tuesday (the dental treatment would not heal well after starting the treatment). The first dose of Chemotherapy is scheduled for Wednesday.

*Note: These are the results from the Pilsen laboratory, which does tests for the entire republic (Ostrava hospital also sent samples there), so they would not have come to different conclusions in another hospital.

Friday 04/14/2023

15:25 (CZ)
message from Daniel
Laboratory results aren't available still.

Tuesday 04/11/2023

09:26 (CZ)
message from Daniel
The date for the results from the laboratory has already been postponed twice. The latest date is this Friday.

Tuesday 04/04/2023

13:17 (CZ)
message from Daniel


Věrka and I (and the extended family) are grateful for all your prayers. I know many of you have not stopped praying since the surgery in 2021. You are a great encouragement to us.

God hears our prayers. Me and Věrka experience God's peace and do not live in fear. We know that God has carried us through two difficult years and He will not leave us anywhere. We know that God is with us. We see it. We feel it. We believe it.

When we found out about the metastases, we invited the preacher and elders to pray over me with the laying on of hands and anointing with oil. Our new congregation in Liberec got involved with prayer meetings and fasting. You can get involved as God leads you. I pray that our prayers are according to God's will.
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At night, when I was thinking about how to express my attitude to the news about the metastases, a parable from Matthew 20 came to mind. The farmer hires laborers in the vineyard in the morning. Another hires later, at noon and in the afternoon. He pays everyone a penny in the evening. Those who have worked all day then grumble against the injustice of the householder, and he answers them:

Am I not allowed to do what I choose with what belongs to me? Or do you envy my generosity? Matthew 20

I think that when God gave us His Son, He gave us more than we deserved. He showed his love more than adequately in that way. And that he added health, a happy marriage, healthy children, a house with a garden, a vacation, nice relationships in the family to someone... that's just his extra generosity. After all, he can do whatever he wants with his belonging (us).

We cannot deny that God is good and generous to us too. And even if I went through treatment, and even if I eventually died, it would still be true. Just like when I will be completely healed.

Tuesday 04/04/2023

11:51 (CZ)
message from Daniel

Metastases (2023)

A follow-up PET CT in June 2022 revealed a small mass on the liver - without accumulation of contrast material, so probably of non-cancerous origin. A subsequent ultrasound in September showed the growth of this mass. In January (already in Liberec), the magnetic resonance showed that the growth was significant. A CT scan in February showed a second mass on the liver and suspected other masses on the lungs and chest.

In March, I went to the hospital for a biopsy (taking a sample with a needle) and the laboratory analysis showed that it was a malignant tumor, almost certainly a metastasis of the original cancer of the small salivary gland (it matches morphologically). The subsequent PET CT scan in Prague did not confirm cancerous formations on the lungs, but revealed metastases in the sacrum and neck of the femur (bones). The finding of additional metastases ruled out the possibility of local radiation or surgery. (It's obvious that metastases are spreading and this must be stopped.) So what remains is “systemic treatment”.
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The exact form of treatment is to be determined by a laboratory analysis from the Pilsen laboratory, which has been awaited for two weeks. Insufficient partial results are available yet.

So the options are:

God's healing.


Immunological treatment (artificial stimulation of immunity, which begins to eliminate tumors, but can also damage other organs; typically the thyroid gland).

Biological treatment (the most advanced treatment, but only available for a few types of cancer; it marks the tumor with a protein for the immune system to destroy).

Bad news

Metastases are apparently multiplying rapidly.

This type of tumor is persistent. It typically doesn't grow very fast, it doesn't often metastasize, but it's hard to get rid of. Chemotherapy and radiation have little effect.

Good News

Treatment other than chemotherapy could be available, and even if it wouldn't, a smaller tumor in a different location may react differently. From the fact that initially the chemotherapy did not work, it cannot be concluded that it will not work now either.

The tumors are not in the area of the head or lungs (it would be harder to bear any pain, the treatment would be more demanding and if there was a threat of a tracheostomy, I don't know how I would bear it).

Examinations proceed faster in Liberec than in Ostrava, which serves a large catchment area.

All variants are outpatient treatment, so I could stay at home and commute to the hospital.

Side effects do not appear immediately and are not necessary - especially when God has the power to protect against them.

Tuesday 04/04/2023

10:53 (CZ)
message from Daniel

Permanent consequences (2022)

In November 2021, it began to appear that some of the effects of the surgery and treatment may be permanent. In 2022, it was confirmed. Although these are small things compared to the possible risks of surgery, they have been shown to interfere with life in significant ways. Gratitude prevails in me and others for a recovery so significant that even doctors have documented the result in scientific articles. Even so, 2022 was a year of learning about my limited options.
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Limitations in communication
I can speak and speak clearly, which is the grace of God. But communication is difficult, which is challenging.
I have to concentrate on the pronunciation, otherwise I start speaking unintelligibly. The Eustachian tube doesn't close, causing sounds to resonate in the head, which is difficult to hear through. I'm exhausted after a 20 minute conversation. It is not possible for me to give lectures, trainings, teach children or organize camps.

Limitations in eating
I can breathe, drink and eat, which is the grace of God. But swallowing works in part only because of gravity. So I can only swallow liquid and slippery foods.
It isn't possible to eat even a piece of bread or dry food, such as baked meat, potato, rice, apple... I can eat soups, dishes with a large amount of sauce, salads with oil and mayonnaise, fruit with whipped cream, etc. At home, we have already learned to cook according to needs . It's a problem when traveling, visiting, church events...

Lack of saliva
Removing one salivary gland and irradiating the other causes little saliva production. I have to keep sipping small sips of water to moisten my mouth, especially while talking. It also causes impaired sleep. The spray I use works for about 2 hours and then I wake up with a dry mouth. In the morning I have to open my lips carefully so as not to tear the glued skin on my lips :)

Grace Sufficient
Yes, that is also a permanent effect. God continues to show us His grace and care. Either through people who persistently pray for us and help us, or various spiritual and material blessings.
Věrka and I are together. Víteček makes us happy, and thanks to working from home and working part-time, I was able to spend more time with him. We moved to a beautiful place in Liberec, close to Věra's family.
God consistently answers many of our prayers. The ministry of Bible courses led to the salvation of many children and their testimonies encouraged believers. God is with us and we look forward to Jesus' second coming.

Tuesday 04/04/2023

10:19 (CZ)
message from Daniel

News from the hospital (2021)

I have decided to quote here two messages that I sent to you (the prayer men) from the hospital, because they can encourage us even now:

2nd July 2021
When I was sick, I tried to remember the promises from the Bible. For example, in the words of the song “Praise the LORD, he is good”, with verse words: “when they cry out in distress He delivers them” and “the waste places He turns into springs of water.” Or Psalm 23: “He restores my soul”, “He leads me beside still waters”.
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And then I choked on mucus and vomited. I tried hard to calm my breath, and when I thought I had been doing it for about an hour, I looked at the clock and only three minutes passed. When I saw the drops of sweat on Věrka's lips, I longed to lick them as I had dry mouth.

I know that God keeps His promises. I gave a lecture “I believe in the God of miracles”. But why nothing happens? Thousands of people pray and minute by minute nothing happens.

In the middle of the night, I suddenly woke up and I realized. The promises are valid, but they are not fulfilled at once and immediately. It doesn't work this way. In the same psalm, where it is written about quiet places by the waters, it is also written about the valley of the shadow of death. He leads me there and there. But He still leads me.

Revelation 2:10: “Do not fear what you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and for ten days you will have tribulation.” I am immensely grateful to God for shortening my ten days with a tracheostomy to six. This is also a proof of the fulfillment of the promise from 1 Corinthians 10:13.

3rd July 2021
Strange, today I woke up again in the middle of the night with a clear thought. Romans 8:28: “We know that all things work together for good to those who love God.” This verse can be read with different emphasis.

We read the emphasis on “helps to good” when we need it to turn out well.

We read the emphasis on “everything” when we don't understand how anything good could come of it.

And when do we read the emphasis on “those who love God”? It could be that the promise does not apply to us.

Other than that, my consumption of phlegm wipes seems to have stopped at 2kg. Yesterday I already coughed a little and I believe that today will be better again. Imagine a pack of tissues measuring 30 x 40 x 20 cm.

Thank you all for your prayers. I appreciate them immensely. The road to recovery will be long, prayers are still needed, but everything seems to be on the right track. Praise the Lord.

Tuesday 04/04/2023

09:39 (CZ)
message from Daniel

Operation in 2021

At the beginning of 2021, I was diagnosed with a malignant tumor of a small salivary gland, and further examinations revealed its considerable extent. The treatment started with chemotherapy, which caused me trigeminal nerve pain. When it proved ineffective after several doses, doctors planned surgery.

The possible risks of the operation were considerable: Inability to speak, or speak intelligibly. Inability to swallow. Long-term or permanent tracheostomy (breathing through a tube inserted through a hole into the throat). Partial facial paralysis. The alternative (apart from a miraculous recovery) was an average life expectancy of half a year.
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At that time I wrote:

I have absolutely no idea what will happen. I may die during the operation. I can wake up with minimal cosmetic consequences, no major impact on functionality, and very encouraged by the ordeal I'm about to pass. And my life and physical capabilities can completely change. None of this changes who God is. It is the same as a year ago and the same as a year from now. I'm not going to be blinded by things that seem huge because they're right in front of my eyes. When viewed over the years, they are small and only then it does make sense to evaluate them. Looking for the meaning of these events now is the wrong question, therefore it gives meaningless answers.

God has the power to save me. God's will is not sickness or suffering. But even if both come, it does not change anything about God or my place before him. What am I waiting for? I don't know. Anything from miracle to misery.

I am still grateful to the large number of people who prayed for us. Many of you have not stopped praying to this day. The operation on June 22 was successful . The hardest part was the following week of recovering from the surgery and enduring the tracheostomy. Then gradually everything healed and the encouraging news came.

I had follow-up radiation in the summer and all the results were clean then. The tumor was completely removed. The postoperative wound healed successfully. I could talk, I was starting to swallow liquids and I was getting better and better.

As my strength increased, I thought about how to use the new experience in the ministry to God with the CEF. I planned to visit the churches and places where you prayed for me and for us to thank you and encourage you in the prayer for the salvation of the children.